Friday 23 May 2014

Baby Shower Food Ideas

Planning food for a baby shower is quite different from other celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. You need to take care of certain important points while planning for baby shower food ideas. 

To take the stress out of your planning, we at Mothers Zone have come up with the essentials of the entire planning. But, before we start with the ideas, let’s go through the important points you need to consider, to make the idea successful.

Things to consider

How big is the number of guests invited?
Your arrangement of food will depend on the number of guests you are inviting for the celebration. Different people have different choice of food which has to be taken care of when invited. Therefore, it is better to invite limited number of people to keep the work load under control.

At what time of the day you’re throwing the shower?
The time of the day will decide the type and quantity of food; you need to serve your guests. For instance, holding it in between meal times will eliminate the need of serving substantial foods. But, inviting them for lunch or dinner will make it necessary for you to serve a full meal.

Does the celebration is theme based?
If your celebration is theme based, then you can easily tie the foods served to the theme used. Such as if you’re using a particular colour like pink or purple, you can also serve coloured foods to make up the mood of your guests and please them.

Who are your guests?
Your food ideas will be impacted by the people you invite for the celebration. Mothers with small kids will prefer kid-friendly snacks to keep them happy. Again, elderly people will not be comfortable with those finger foods.

Understanding the things to consider while planning for food, we can now better understand and implement the ideas. Let’s have a look at the number of foodstuff options available.

Food Ideas for baby shower
·         Smelly foods like egg should be avoided when planning, as it can be augmented in an unpleasant way by the mom-to-be.

·         Hard cheese cubes can be used with sweet cherry or grape tomatoes to please both mom-to-be and the guests. You can also use fancy toothpicks to skewer them together.

·         Pizzas top with desired cheese and sauce can be bake until brown and served.

·         You can find out what mother-to-be is craving for and serve that too in the menu which they can’t resist to.
·         Sandwiches are a great to offer as they can be cut and served in your own style. A number of varieties are available such as finger sandwiches, Paninis and wraps, which can be a wonderful option if you’re holding the gathering in between mealtimes.

·         Dessert shooters and fresh fruits are other good options. You can get creative with fruit skewers or can dip them with chocolate for a sugary touch.

·         Sweet stuffs like special cookies in the shapes of rattles, strollers and other baby things can be very impressive for your guests and the mom-to-be as well

Considering the above mentioned points and incorporating the food ideas can make your celebration brilliant and impressive.

Baby Shower Party Ideas

  • ·         The later months in pregnancy are a better time for baby shower party.
  • ·         The location must be suitable for the mom-to-be.
  • ·         Creative ideas, pleasing and nurturing the mom-to-be must be incorporated.

    Baby shower parties are considered to be best parties for women, before giving birth and so, it needs to be really impressive and memorable. You can choose from a number of ideas available for making celebration outstanding. However, before we move on to the variety of wonderful ideas for the celebration, let’s begin with some other important factors that you need to know.

    When should the get-together happen?
    Any time after conception can be a good time to have the celebration, but, it is always preferred to have during the later months of pregnancy. One of the reasons for this preference is that, the mum-to-be can by this time assure that she is in a good condition and everything is going well. Moreover, this also seems more real and exciting in the later months, with the mom touting a big belly.
    Though the celebration is preferred during the period of pregnancy, you can also plan the gathering after the baby is born. 

    Where should it be hold and with what kind of invitation?
    You must consider the location to hold the celebration while planning. It is always better to hold the gathering at a community hall or local club, away from the mom-to-be’s place. This is a better option to avoid hassle and chaos.
    Invitation should be sent in advance and the design should match the theme of your party.
    Now, since we are almost ready for the celebration, let’s go through some of the most overwhelming baby shower party ideas for a memorable party.

    Party Ideas
       Candle tradition
    You can bring candles for each guest and ask them to lit it and make a wish for the well-being of the mom-to-be. Again, the candles can also be taken home and lit up once the mom-to-be has gone into labour as a support for her through the labour. This can also be used as a welcoming option for the baby, once he/she has been born.
        Baby shower games
    No celebration is complete without games, especially when you’re planning for a baby shower celebration. A number of fun games are available such as jelly babies, baby, etc., which you can choose from to make your celebration more exciting. 
    Henna the bump
    This is a non-toxic product that can be painted onto the skin as this will help mom-to-be remember her journey throughout. There are plenty of designs that can be used for painting.
    This is a very sensitive way to nurture the mom-to-be and inspiring her, with all her trusted friends around, sharing their experiences.
    The decorations and theme used should complement the occasion and set the mood of friends and family for the celebration.

    These ideas and elaborations will help you bring the strain out your pressure to keep the mom-to-be happy, who hasn’t had a good night’s sleep for months.